Legal Marketing Trends for 2019

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1. Niching Down

“Niching down” is not a new concept. Nonetheless, it has become increasingly important to consumers in recent years. For law firms reaching out to clients, it remains an important factor in their decision-making process. Potential clients are not merely considering niche regarding practice area, but also regarding how lawyers manage cases. For instance, let’s say a personal injury attorney practices in an at-fault auto accident insurance state like California. Some drivers may be gung-ho about the litigation process. Other drivers may prefer to put the situation behind them. Whatever their preference, speaking directly to each prospect is the goal.

2. Courting Your Niche


Marketing is part art and part science. The science end comes from understanding your audience and your ideal client. It means understanding what they’re going through and the psychology of the stress they must be under. Few lawsuits do not involve some form of
distress. Speaking directly to your ideal client via your marketing channels is the single most overlooked tactic in legal marketing.


3. Tactical and Targeted Paid Advertising


By tactical, we mean precision. We do not recommend targeting generic keywords or peripheral keywords in an unstructured manner. It’s not about casting a wide net. It’s about narrowing your focus to find the ideal client and weeding out the bad leads that burn time and money.

4. Content Engagement and Lead Magnets

Not too long ago, Google’s algorithm was based entirely around keywords and backlinks. It made ranking rife for abuse. Although Google did and still does penalize pages for using “black-hat” SEO techniques such as link farming and keyword stuffing, there has recently been a fundamental shift in how Google ranks its pages. You want to diversify your approach to content. In other words, shorter pieces are great for answering simple questions, but there are many out there who are going to want to understand every aspect of their lawsuit.

5. Local SEO and Google Places.

Localizing or geolocalization of your law firm is very important. It’s a simple process to register your business with Google so that it knows that you’re a law firm in a particular area at a specific address. The question then becomes, how do you become one of the three law firms that rank well enough to be included underneath Google Maps?


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