Google Suite

Multiple people can modify a G-Suite document at the same time. Each contributor’s work is highlighted with a different color of text and flows onto the document as it is being written.

Need a prior version of a document? Need to know who changed what and when? It is all there.

Cancel your subscription to that clunky login software. With G-Suite, anywhere you have internet you can access your documents and data using whatever device you have in hand.

Schedule events quickly by checking coworkers’ availability or layering their calendars in a single view. Google Calendars are shareable and integrate seamlessly with Gmail, Drive, Agile CRM, and many other platforms.

Your work is saved in real time on Google’s servers, meaning you never have to click Save. If Microsoft Word has ever locked up on you and your recent writing has not re-appeared, you know the pain saved by this simple advance.

G-Suite for Business is fully HIPPA compliant, and meets all state bar requirements.

Free Switchover to G-Suite

We include a free move to G-Suite with either:
1. Cloud migration or
2. Marketing automation
Yes, we will migrate your law firm to Google for Business at no charge if we modernize either your firm’s outdated server network or your marketing technology.
Intrigued? Make a 15 or 30-minute appointment for either a marketing audit or a technology audit.

📞 1 (888) 278 8579