Live Chat

Live chat will engage a number of your website’s visitors who would have otherwise left without contacting you.  And those live chat responders are often great prospects.
How It Works:
Once you signup, we quickly install the live chat application on your website, and you’re up and running. The service allows us to communicate, or chat, on your behalf in real time with visitors to your website. Live chat is a quality lead generator and  provides immediate support to prospects.
Our highly-trained intake specialists will engage with visitors who would have otherwise left without contacting you. We then immediately connect the prospect with your firm.
You will receive monthly reports from us that include all live chat transcriptions for your review.

Why pay more for live chat services?

You only pay when legitimate leads are generated. We charge a nominal setup fee and just $20 per complete lead received. There are no monthly subscription costs. Here is how our pricing compares:

📞 1 (888) 278 8579