Search Engine Optimization

Bundle and Save

Nearly half of all web searchers now exclusively use mobile devices to perform research online. And soon, local searches will outnumber non-local ones. So, it’s critical to launch a mobile version of your legal website and to optimize your online presence to improve local ranking.

Google+ Local Optimization

We set up and maintain your Google+ Local account, and create citations monthly on local business sites across the Internet in order to increase the visibility of your Google+ listing in local search rankings. We also create a rich “authorship” snippet to go along with your organic website listing.

Mobile Website

It’s unwise to expect prospective clients to read tiny type on their smartphones, scroll side to side to finish reading a sentence, and search high and low for a telephone number. We create a mobile-friendly website to function alongside your existing website.

Social Media Management

Integrating social media into your marketing strategy can help attract new clients, grow your online brand, and significantly improve your search ranking on Google. We create professionally-designed Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ pages for your law firm. We write and schedule social posts, optimized to engage fans and encourage interaction.

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